October 6, 2008

A Cordial Welcome to Curve

Well, here it is! I've wanted to setup this blog for a long time and I would like to say 'kudos' to Patrick and Room 907 for giving me the motivation to finally do it. I hope you all enjoy the posts and give me feedback when you can.

To formally introduce Curve, I would start off by saying that this is the place where I'll be posting all things design and fresh from around the web, in magazines, and through my travels, etc. I was privileged to travel around the world in 2006/2007 and after visiting 11 different countries in 6 months, I've seen some of the best and the worst that the world has to offer. Since then, I've developed an acquired taste for fashion and design and you'll see my influences through all the posts on Curve. Also, since I do a bit of professional photography, keep an eye out for some of my own work thrown in the mix.


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